Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Tramp to Kahui Hut with the Two Jennies

We were picked up by two Jennies from Mt. Egmont Alpine Club at 7am today. Before bed we moved our clocks ahead 1 hour for daylight saving time so getting up was a little harder than usual. We drove for an hour north of Hawera then east of Opunake up Mt. Taranaki.
It wasn't cold but the air was thick and heavy with mist. We walked through wet, lush, sub-tropical jungle. I  was really choosing my steps carefully so I wouldn't get water in my hikers but also so I wouldn't slip on the treacherous wet roots.
We arrived at the Kahui Hut after marching for 2.5 hours non-stop uphill. The girls set a good pace. They like to wear leggings with shorts and above ankle hiking boots with gators. We signed the guest book, had a little snack and got ready to go. My hands disappointed me once again(but the first time since coming to the country) and with cooling down a bit they went pure white and turned into ice bricks. Luckily Jenny had a warm pair of wool gloves with gore-tex covers. Saved!

I thought we were going to head back thinking that it had been a great hike in and it would already be 5 hours by the time we get back to the car. The Jennies thought we would carry on NZ style. Not on the track but straight down the side of the gorge! The drop was at an angle about 75 degrees. One basically had to sit and shuffle through the scrub brush, moss and loose rocks. I normally freeze when I'm on a ladder so I tried to focus on hanging on for dear life and not look at the bottom of the gorge.
We made it without any mishaps!

We walked up stream( and in the stream!) over loose, slippery rocks for a half hour. With feet wet (but hands now warm) we stopped and ate our lunch on the rocks. The mist lifted a bit and we really felt like specks on the earth. The Jennies said that if it was a nicer day they would normally head further up the stream. But since we wouldn't see the top of the mountain today they thought we would head back. My legs were feeling like weak lamb legs and although I wasn't winded I just felt- done!
The Jennies make walking on loose, wet rocks so easy. They seem to walk effortlessly.
If you slide down a gorge you have to climb back up. It seemed impossible! Well feeling like a billy goat we started up, kicking our toes into the loose rock to make a step. We then had to grab scrub bushes and sink our knees into the moss and lean into the steep angle to work our way up. Now up onto the track again we only had two hours to go to get to the car! It was easier coming down the mountain even though I was tired. For one thing I was just plowing through the mud because my feet and pants were soaked and there was nothing to save anymore. I skated across wet boards though and had a few close calls. Hot tea waited for us at the car and we had a real sense of accomplishment when we were finished.
What will next weekend bring us?
Thanks for reading!

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