Monday, September 20, 2010

Welcome to the Tribe

Today we were privileged to be welcomed into the (Iwi) tribe. They own and manage the clinic that Cary works in.(Ngati Ruanui Health Clinic) People need to enrol with clinics and there are about 3500 members. They feel very flushed with doctors at the moment because there are 3 of them now. But one leaves in October, and one leaves in Feb. That would leave Cary until the end of March unless they recruit some more. They have been without  doctors in past times and people seem to wait until one arrives.

This clinic has  great programs for patients. Not only are there health services but there are social and mental programs as well. They also have youth programs, and an educational stream as well. They have a dual language daycare and an immersion Maori daycare program. They also run retreats for out of touch(culturally) Maoris and non Maoris which are referred to as Pakeha (sp?)

We were asked to be at the clinic for 8:30 am. I was wearing the brown, stone necklace that my brother, Peter, gave to me 37 years ago, when he had returned from NZ when he was 19 or 20 years old, after having lived here for a year. Well I was wearing a dress too!
 We arrived on time and we sat for a bit as people gathered. One person said they usually start the day with reading the paper and a cup of tea before they start to work.
We met Hemi. He was quite a big man and his whole face was tattooed with wonderful swirls and designs. He introduced himself as our guide to this ceremony that was about to take place.
He is the 'quit smoking' guy for the clinic. He usually says he just scares people into quitting. I don't doubt it!

We went to another building and we were asked to wait outside. A few people stood with us and talked  us through the steps.
An older lady came up to the door and starting singing in her language. Hemi, Cary and Simon walked on one side of the hall and I and two other women walked behind and on the other side of the hall. We entered the room and there was a long line of people that we had to walk by. The women hugged us and touched their cheek to our cheek. And the men shook our hand at the same time as pressing their noses and foreheads against ours. They also made a Mmmmm sound deep in their throat as if we were a yummy apple pie. The cutest thing was they had about six preschoolers ( girls and boys) at then end of the receiving line. We touched cheeks and pressed noses with them, respectively, but there was this tiny little girl standing with her arms crossed and refusing to participate!

Then we sat on our own side of the room(with Hemi and two ladies). Everyone else sat across from us. There was some standing and singing and sitting and listening to the beautiful Maori language in speeches. We only recognized one word- and that was Canada!

The CEO spoke and he basically explained what was just said but in English. He basically said that they think of us as family now and that he was hoping we could stay longer than 6 months- in fact 10 years was mentioned!

Cary was then asked to introduce himself and state the reasons for coming to work in this community. He spoke very well and said that he and I have experience working on reserves back home( we both started our careers on reserves) and are looking forward to contributing to this group. Cary also introduced Simon as an outdoor loving person looking for work experience.
Warren, the project manager, spoke as well. He mentioned that I was an early childhood specialist. Everyone in unison went, Mmmmmmm! again. Warren said that they felt that have a double win with bringing us in.
We then were invited to cross the room and join their side. We're in! We then were asked to eat and drink tea with them to consummate the union. It was quite the honour to take part in this ceremony.


  1. What a memorable experience for you! Kudos! I expect that you'll get to know many fine people there. With your collective histories, you'll do well there and make significant contributions to the community. Way to go!

  2. I read this post not understanding how dad and Simon did not burst out laughing when they had to touch noses! unless they did? not doubtful! also note to Simon; wear something new! Every picture so far he is wearing that jacket and jeans!! oh well. Wish you could have got a close up of that guys tattooed face! Talk soon!
